
At the OLYMPION Rehabilitation Center of Chania, Physiotherapy plays a very important role in the patients treatment. The Physiotherapist is an important part of the therapeutic team. Under the guidance of the Physiatrists (Rehabilitation Doctors), the Physiotherapist implements specialized therapeutic techniques, with the aim of reducing pain, inflammation and swelling, improving cardio-respiratory endurance, promoting muscle strengthening, gait retraining and self-service.
In Physiotherapy, with the assistance of several techniques and devices that will be analyzed hereafter, patients with permanent or temporary incapability, are guided to obtain maximum functional independence.
The nature of the patients’ medical history, the clinical condition, as well as the evaluation of the treating team are the important factors for the planning of the rehabilitation program, based on specific techniques:
- Kinesiotherapy and therapy with exercises
- Bobath
- Electrotherapy
- Other treatments that include ultrasound, warm and cold applications, physiotherapy (i.e. Laser), hydrotherapy and bath therapy, diathermy, massage therapy, lymphatic massage (lymphatic drainage with hand)

Within the Physiotherapy treatment, the following assisting devices are used:
- Microwave diathermy
- Short wave diathermy
- Laser – cross device – suction device
- Electrotherapy device – Ultrasound
- Infrared – ultraviolet
- Magnetic fields
- Therapy bed with height control
- Cryotherapy device
- Devices with cold and warm packs
- Paraffin treatments
- Knee – tibial passive mobilization device
- Biofeedback device
Physiotherapy treatments at the OLYMPION Rehabilitation and Recovery center, are performed in the special area of the “Gym and Therapeutic Gym Department”.