Gym & Therapeutic Gym

The Department offers state-of-the-art equipment with compressed air variable resistance and potential of rehabilitation programs application through P/C. Neuromuscular retraining programs are planned and implemented, for the functional improvement of the upper and lower extremities, walking and balance training. There is also an especially designed area for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

The Gym and Therapeutic Gym Department consists of:
- Antigravity Treadmill (Alter G)
- Antigravity Treadmill with capability of complete patient’s suspension (Unweighing system – Biodex)
- Balance training system (Biodex) with capability of complete patient’s suspension.
- Isokinetic dynamometer (BIODEX - BTE). The isokinetic dynamometer is used for the evaluation of dynamic muscular function in clinical investigation and sports activities as well as in muscular imbalances rehabilitation.
- Air-hydraulic strengthening equipment: quadriceps, biceps, abductors, adductors, chest, back.
- Foot press equipment
- Upper and lower extremity trochlea
- Ergometric treadmill
- Static bicycle
- Sitting bicycle
- Cross trainer
- Benches – dumbbells – free weights – bars – mattress.
- Walking treadmill with physical condition testing programs
- Forearm pronation & supination device
- Carpal bending & extending device
- Multi-bars
- Parallel walking bars
- BOBATH bed
- Ascending and descending stairs
- Therapy mattress
- Wheel chairs
- Crutches