Lab & Evaluation Lab

The Evaluation Lab Department consists of:
- Plantar scanner (Static and Dynamic analysis, creation of special insoles and other apparatuses for clinical conditions, such as: metatarsalgia, inequality, bunion deformity, plantar fascia, bow leg, club foot etc.
- Electrodiagnostic Lab (EMG – Electromyogram, Motor NCS, Sensory NCS of upper and lower extremities). During the electromyography and nerve conduction study, it is possible to diagnose lesions of the peripheral nerve system, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar ulnar neuropathy, humerus injuries, radiculitic syndromes of the cervical and lumbar spine, peripheral nerves paresis (drop foot), sensory-motor peripheral multi neuropathy of diabetic or non diabetic etiology, as well as the diagnostic approach of many other immunologic, neurologic and rheumatologic conditions.
The Evaluation Lab Department also offers:
- Open type Magnetic Resonance Imaging (SIEMENS), unique in the certain area
- Bone density Measurement
- Digital Radiology
Spasticity management department
Infusion of botulinum toxin (botox -dysport), planning of special treatment program. The botulinum toxin is used for the lysis of dynamic contractures and the management of spasticity in cases of deformity – contractures of fingers, carpal, shoulder (upper extremity), as well as the spasticity of the lower extremities with bow leg, foot clonus, as well as the incapability of standing due to contractures of the posterior femorals and tibia. Pain management Department by Physiatrist (with C-Arm)